Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Please note that our book club meeting that was set for Hacienda is canceled. We will meet again in January.

Happy Holidays Readers and Breeders!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Remember to post your ideas for books!

Be sure to post any ideas that you may have for possible books to read. I put some up that I heard come up in conversation at the R&B meetings. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Family Matters, tentative date December 1st. Watch for update!

Per an email from our next host, Christine:

Our next book will be Family Matters by Rohinton Mistry. Lets hope its another good one. 

We'll meet at my place to discuss - what day of the week of Dec 1st works best for everyone - Tues 2nd, Wed 3rd or Thurs 4th. Let me know and I'll try to accomodate the majority.

Enjoy November ...

Secret password

I started a new blog for us with our proper name. Also, I forgot my password for the old blog. I have been trying to make my passwords more difficult for hackers. Take that! I can't even remember it!