Saturday, January 15, 2011

Kid's Book Meeting-Jan 19th or the 25th

Hi Everyone

I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday season.  We had a great holiday and now I am ready to get started on a great new year!

We will be setting up a date for our official book club meeting on our book "Family Matters' . Until then, I would like to invite everyone to my home to reschedule the meeting on kid's books that we were going to have right before Christmas.

Thursday nights are out for me for the next six weeks. We are taking Matilda to doggie training those evenings! I would like to suggest either this Wednesday, January 19th or the following Tuesday, January 25th.

Bring your favorite (or favorites) Children's Book(s) and we can discuss them all. Perhaps Annette will bring some of the Usborne books to show us since they have so many fantastic selections.

So let me know who is into it and what day works best for everyone. I am looking forward to seeing everyone and since our lower level (I no longer call it a basement) is finished, we will have plenty of buffer between us and my kids!

I will post this to the blog as well.

Readers and Breeder Michelle

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